Wednesday, October 31, 2012

That time we were those neighbors...

My mama may never speak to me again. 
Okay so that is probably a lie, but she is going to be ashamed. 
I, Mallory, did not exactly welcome trick or treaters this year. 

Earlier today mom asked me if I had prepared for trick or treaters. When I said no she was not a happy camper. Apparently this house in the cul de sac has been offering candy since 1989, and that should not stop because someone named Mallory bought the place. "Don't be those neighbors" she warned. 
I groaned and told her I didn't have time to get candy, I had a hair appointment and the dogs were getting used to the new place and I didn't want strangers knocking on the door all night.  She told me to put candy in a dish next to the mailbox. Big D (mama) has an answer for everything. 

It's not even that I hate the idea of cute little kids dressed as pumpkins and kittens and cowboys knocking on my door, I just really want a quiet evening in mending whatever is going on with the hubs. That means candles, a scary movie and pumpkin cheesecake. 

In the end mom warned that if I don't put out candy my house might be egged or tp'ed. What, by second graders??? If any punk kids decide to get ghetto at my house it is on, just saying. I will flatten the tires on their bicycles. Kidding... Kinda. 

Then I started thinking.... Big D might roll my house just to teach me a lesson. So there is a bowl outside with candy, but the porch light is off so don't come knocking! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I will get to it later...

I am seriously the worst procrastinator. 
Unpacking, eh... I will get to that box later. 
Cleaning, this weekend sounds good. 
Cooking, the crockpot meals are a God send. 

Here are some examples of my laziness... 
I am exhausted so we are doing this in bullet form. 
  • Wine? We are out of that. I don't feel like going to the store so I will drink sweet tea out of a wine glass and pretend it's wine. (I am doing that right now. For shame, ya'll. For shame)
  • Sleep? I am pretty comfy on this couch. Maybe I will just sleep here. Oh wait, I am old and that makes my neck hurt so I guess I will have to eventually get in the bed. 
  • Checking and filing the mail? Well I looked at it, and it made it to the desk. That counts right? Chris says no. He hates that I slack in the mail department. 
  • My hair? It needs to be cut and dyed. Did you see the pics here? I keep saying "I will just messy bun it one more day." 
  • Pumpkin carving? Hahaha... yeah never did that. They are just going to stick around as Thanksgiving decor. See? I planned that... kinda. 
  • Cleaning my horses blanket? Ya'll I am awful. I just locked up the barn nice and tight, put a ton of shavings in there and told him to hang tight for one night. Horses in the wild don't have blankets. 
  • Charging my phone? Nah... I will wait until it leaves me stranded. 
  • Unpacking my shoes? Oh no, I will just wear flip flops in the freezing cold. And complain. Hubs has no sympathy. 
I am awful, but I am sure I am not the only one to procrastinate. Right?

Link up with your laziness below.

Monday, October 29, 2012

On the mend...

First, let me say sorry for the late post. We had a rough day at work. 

Friday I told ya'll about the issues the hubs and I have been having the past few weeks. I explained how lonely and empty I felt. Then you guys poured the support and prayers into my lap. I was overwhelmed that so many of you listen and care and were so kind. Through the weekend I felt your prayers working to restore peace to us. 

We went to my parent's new paradise for a day on the farm and some hiking. My 15 year old sister wants to be a photographer and she is so talented. She asked us to pose for a few photos.  Here are a few of the pictures she got. Remember, No makeup and my hair was thrown up after hiking. 

The little photo session was actually good for us. It brought us back to us. The hiking helped too. Being in the woods without cellphones or interruptions. We found signs of a bear in the area and waterfalls and gorgeous wild magnolias. My parents have a little slice of paradise and I am grateful they let us use it. 

That night friends came over to mama and daddy's. We all piled into the new kitchen and cooked together which was a blast. We then settled into the den for football and dinner. The game was interesting. We had Florida fans and Georgia fans present. I was rooting for Georgia because the hubs is a Gator fan.

Sunday we went back to mama's for more fun. We helped them set up their family room and played with the dogs while we waited on dinner. After dinner we all snuggled into the family room and watched old HeeHaw reruns. The wind was awful and it was cold, but we were inside with warm throws snuggled up with our significant others watching the leaves hit the lake. It was so cozy and I feel at peace today. I just hope we can hold onto this peace. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

For better or for worse....

We took vows. For better or for worse. With the stress of this month we have hit the worst. We have been bickering over nonsense, we are both on the defense, we can't speak without arguing and it is killing me. I feel empty and lonely. I know it will pass, it always does. We fight, we make up. That's how it goes, right?

I am just so sick of the way it's going. I hate arguing. I want to feel like I did on this day. 

I think it could be because we have worked 8 days straight and moved the week before that. Maybe some R & R at mama's new place this weekend will relax us, because at this point I don't even want to talk to him. Today I said something about a light and he thought I said "fight" and got all defensive. I honestly think he is slightly depressed. I pray this ends soon. 

Sorry this post was heavy.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Posting from the boondocks!

This post is coming straight from the north Georgia mountains. Also, I am posting from my iPhone. If it looks funny I am sorry.
I am at my mama's tonight because my grandpa is in town from Arkansas. I only get to see him once a year so it's a big deal. Tonight we are fishing and having dinner and planning our trip to moonshine festival this weekend! Yep we have a moonshine festival. Be jealous.
Today was the first time I got to see the parental's homestead in daylight and I was impressed. I can't wait to go home and try to edit some of these photos for y'all to see. Here are a few unedited because I can't wait...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A pile of .....

I am have reached that point of moving. You know that moment where you look at a room and think "all done!" Then you look down and see that box of stuff that you couldn't find a home for. 
That is so frustrating!!! I could scream, but instead I am planning on having a yard sale. 
The lovely Amanda @ This IS My Real Hair had a ticked off Tuesday post that I thought was amazing. After reading her posts, I decided that the only thing ticking me off today was the PILES throughout my house. I am beginning to feel like a hoarder.

How many breadmakers, scarves and silverware can one girl have? I have every kitchen gadget ever made. I have candle I will never light. I have figured out I am a product junkie. Hair gel? I have enough for every Elvis impersonator in Vegas. Lotion? Every scent made. It's slightly embarrassing. 

My dogs love the piles. Riley thinks every new pile is a new treasure chest. I will probably find things hidden under the couch next time I clean. He has an obsession with clothes. Mainly mine. Hi, my name is Mallory and I have a cross dressing pitbull. Hey, the day he figures out how to dress himself in my clothes while I am at work, is the day I make millions. Can you work on that Riley? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Leaves are not supposed to smell yummy.

Just a quick post to tell you I am still here! 
We are finally getting settled in the new place (pics to come!) and we got internet today. 
I am almost ashamed to say I was very close to crying tears of happiness. I missed ya'll way too much. 

In other news... 
We have decided that since I am a horse nut dignified equestrian, we are going for a horse theme in the house. We could go random horses, upscale equestrian or foxhunt-ish, western, race horse themed... that all seemed a little silly for a whole house. 

Our house is a traditional with wooden floors and a gorgeous brick hearth that takes up a whole wall. It was all built by my awesome grandfathers. They rock. The tones in the wood inspired us to go with a western/southern/southwestern feel. Ya with me? I kinda lost myself there. 
I just want the western style (boots, saddles, horses) with the southwestern colors and textures(reds, browns....) with a southern charm (mason jars, iron beds, fresh flowers). 
The hubs wants me to stick with one style religiously. I don't see the fun in that. What do ya'll think?

Also, I am obsessed with my new "leaves" candle. It smells yummy. Why? The wet leaves I have been raking do not smell yummy. At all. And I have learned critters and creepy crawlies live under the leaves. Speaking of creepy crawlies... the caretaker at the weekend house moved out last weekend. He left us with a black widow problem in the house he was living in! WTH?? I am not entering that house ever again. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Creepin' at the Car wash

Remember how I said that my car had been neglected this month? Like there was a whole hay bale in my car? Well, you didn't think I was actually going to clean it myself did you? 
I mean, I will rinse it off and clean it out but this thing basically needed to be sanitized. 

After sitting at the car wash I think maybe I need to be sanitized as well. 
Let me explain... 
I get my car washed at an awesome little spot in town. Love them! The place is fancy, has snacks, an awesome lounge and they make my car look brand new. Every time. Even when there is a bale of hay in the floor mats and enough dog hair to make another whole dog. I told you my car was gross. 

They also have computers and Ipads that you can play with while you wait. Another reason they are cooler than your car wash. The dude next to me is a creeper though. He keeps oogling women on the computer. Seriously. In a public place. Not full nudes but still... 

Ya know... It wouldn't be so creepy if he didn't look up a random female and find the most scantily clad photo to enlarge and then glance around like he is guilty. Ew. 

I would hate to be a model or celebrity and know that this was happening every day in like 456487 different places in the world. Ew. But ya know, the money probably make the creepiness go away. I don't know this guy is pretty gross. I would try to snap a photo, but then I would be the creepy one. 

Friday, October 19, 2012


Dear week, 
You have been awful. Sorry, but why you gotta by such a bish? I am just glad your party-lovin' cousin the weekend is here. Honestly, I am not partying at all. I am unpacking the house. Joy of all joys. 

Dear Jelly Belly, 
I am addicted to your Extreme Sport Beans. Energy drink in Jelly Bean form? Ah- Mazing. I can clean the whole house in like an hour on these things. I am a little ridiculous on these things. The office is threatening an intervention. 

Hello, my name is Mallory and I have a problem. 

Dear hubs, 
I love you. Even after this week. Sometimes you are a negative Nancy though and I want to punch you. 

Dear dogs, 
I love that you love your new place! Riley, you seem to enjoy this off leash freedom. Lacey, you are loving the fact that you are in "your" space. You were a puppy last time we lived here. 

Dear house, 
Be prepared for house bootcamp. I am whipping you into shape this weekend. Prepare to be organized. Just don't whip back because my old lady hip is killing me. 

Fun fact: I have an old lady hip because Casper decided to buck me to the moon. The landings get harder as you get older. Imagine that. When I get 90 I am screwed.
Dear Momma and Daddy, 
I am jealous of your new house. It should be on Cribs or in a magazine or a movie. 

I will be invading your house frequently. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Setting up shop!

I am probably going to be absent from the blogging world for a few days. Maybe not completely but probably at least tardy at times. We are setting up our new house and the Internet hasn't been switched over. I am going insane. Blogging on the iPhone is not fun. Oh well, only a few more days.
In the mean time look at my new living room!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday letters.

Dear Baby K, You have grown so much and aunty loves being able to see you everyday. What a blessing. Happy one month little bit! 

Dear little blog, You are growing and we are meeting new people. Yay! I love the community. I love the people I have met. I love the outlet.

Dear Mama and Daddy, (yes I am a true Southern girl and still call them mama and daddy) I miss you guys! 2 weeks is way to long. Work is boring without ya'll. I didn't realize how much I enjoy seeing ya'll everyday. Please come home soon!

Dear sissy Sara, I hope you are rocking it at the World Championships. Enjoy every moment because you will miss it. I know your 17 year old self said that it is interfering with life, but honey you will realize that those horses are a huge part of  life. When you grow up and have a job and have to squeeze in ride time you will miss spending 6 hours a day in the saddle. Trust me. 

*** Update*** One World Champion Title and 2 reserve World Champion Titles! Way to show off The Castleberry girls' talents! I am proud of you. 

Dear hubby, Yay for this new chapter! You know the one where we get to spend a lot more time at home? Sitting on our deck, eating dinner and watching the sunset behind our horse was amazing. Can you believe we are lucky enough to see that every night now. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The hay bale in my car

With this whole moving stuff I have neglected everything. Seriously everything.
I only posted 3 times last week and they were hurried posts. I apologize.
 The sad part is the blog is one of the least neglected parts on my life. 

My house looks like a tornado hit it. There are boxes everywhere, there are cleaning supplies lying here and  there and there are piles of stuff to be donated in every corner. I want to scream. 

My barn... Oh my... the barn. I got a load of bagged shavings in 2 weeks ago. They are still in the aisle. One of the stalls has all of the mats removed. Those are also in the aisle. There is grass growing in the aisle. My horses mane is impossibly long and needs shortened and thinned. I just avoid looking in the barns direction. 

Then you get to my car. You know that new car I swore to clean weekly. Its been 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks have included 2 trips to the farm with dogs and cows. My car is disgusting. 

That is what the pretty baby is supposed to look like. I am pretty sure there is enough hay to make a bale in there now. Plus, the hubby wants to trade it for a truck and it's hard to convince him to let me keep it when it's gross. 

I cannot wait for this long drawn out move to be over. I cannot wait to get my life organized. My OCD is making me stressy and cranky and I am on the verge of a panic attack. Not a fake panic attack. A real deal one. I can feel my body shutting down the way it does before I panic. I am taking more naps, not taking time to do makeup or hair, not caring.... I keep telling myself one more week and it will be over.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall food is not figure friendly.

Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pies, pecan pies, turkey, dressing... 
Its all so yummy, but my hips don't lie. My hubs love the stick-to-your-ribs, fall food and he is a man so he can eat it and not have to worry about squeezing into skinny jeans. 
Ya'll take a minute to picture this manly man in skinny jeans.... 

The thought makes me laugh until I cry. 

Tonight I made the easiest stuff that felt heavy and fallish, but didn't have 10 billion calories. 

Grab your crockpot. 
Through in a pound of stew meat. 
2 cans of low fat cream of mushroom soup
1 pack of onion soup mix. 

That is it. Serve it over rice or egg noodles  It is ugly but delicious. That is why you are not getting a picture. I don't want to scare you from trying it. 
But really. Try it. 

Monday, October 8, 2012


The OCD person in me hates packing. I hate it. All my stuff gets jumbled into boxes and I can't find what I need and my house looks like an episode of hoarders. It also  takes me longer to pack because I have to clean everything before I pack it. Thank you OCD. My husband called me Saturday and asked how much I had packed. When I told him 2 rooms, he said, " That's it?". I wanted to punch him through the phone. For the sake of his face, I hope this move goes quickly. 

Side note: I get a craft room out of this move. A huge gorgeous craft room. I am more than a little excited about this. If you follow me on Pinterest you might have noticed the crazy amount of pins I have been adding.  Lord help my bank account. I can't wait to move in and give you guys a tour. I might even let you guys help me pick the stuff for the craft room. Design Challenge blog style. We will see. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Finally Friday

Dear Friday, This week flew by, but it was exhausting at the same time. I missed you Friday. 
Dear Casper, I woke up this morning at the new house. Guess what I saw from my bathroom window. Your sweet self grazing while the sun rose behind you. That made me one happy mama. 
Dear hubs, We are freaking homeowners! I know it;s going to be a lot of work, but we can do it. I know it's a little stressy this month because we just found out the caretaker at the farm is leaving, but we got this. I love you. 
Dear daddy, I know you stressed as well. We can handle the farm. Relax. I am about to go straight up cowgirl. You guys work the land and leave the cows to me. 
Dear new glasses, oooo la la.... I love you. Stylish and funky and adorable. Where have you been all of my 4-eyed life?
Dear Followers, Thank you. You guys are great and I am thankful for all of you. 

Have a great weekend ya'll!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I can't see!

Seriously. We had sausage and peppers for dinner. I am a child and picked up a pepper with my finger. I then proceeded to eat the pepper then rub my eye. 
I am a genius. It took 3 tries to spell genius. Sigh.... It's been a long day. 

Why a long day? 
-My uterus hates me. Lady problems are lame. I hope this PCOS doesn't ruin my baby making plans. 
- It was payroll day at work. Enough said. I am going to dream about numbers tonight. 
- I had to wake up 45 minutes early today. What?! I need my beauty sleep! (I typed it booty sleep at first... hahaha... Get it?... Never mind.)
- I didn't have coffee today. Yes, you read that right. NO COFFEE! 

Moving on.

I want to introduce you guys to two more beautiful ladies today. 

The Fontenot Four
Sarah at Fontenot Four is amazing. She is so inspiring. I love reading her down to earth, real posts. No fluff here. She is the real deal. Her faith is beautiful and I love how she engages everyone else. The scripture and many blessings can be found on her page. 
Chasing Birdies

Shelby has helped me so much in the blogging community. She doesn't even know. She is one of the first people to swap with me and I have found so many other people to swap with through her blog. I truly appreciate her. She is young but wise and I hope she gets into the school of her dreams. She is a talented golfer and her page is adorable. Check her out. 


Back to the debate. I could never be part of a debate. I would get frustrated and punch the other party in the face. Violent? A little, but I like to be right and in control. Speaking of being in control, I decided to share the love seat with the dog. SHARE. He doesn't understand that word. He has smooshed his 70 lb rump behind me. He has his own cushion! Oy vey...
Night ya'll! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ya know who's awesome?

Me. Just kidding. I am more modest than that. Or am I? 
But for serious. have a few more amazing sponsors you guys should check out. 

First up... 


Erin is adorable. Her family is adorable. She is open and honest and I love that about her. She recently wrote a post called If it happens, it happens. It was a beautiful post and made me realize that because of PCOS I have convinced myself I don't want children and maybe I do. I thank her for that post. 


Courtney is my newest sponsor and I cannot wait to get to know her. She lives in the Big Apple and blogs about her life.She wants to be in the music world and I think that is awesome. How cool would it be to say, we knew her when...? 

Okay and now back to me... 
My favorite topic. I am obviously in a mood today and that mood is stuck on myself. I blame that on the fact that my sister is in Oklahoma City at the World Championships and I chose to sit out this year and buy a house. This causes me to be jealous. How lame am I? 

I could just live in the horse trailer with my pony and travel the country competing. Oh wait, I did this and then I was broke for a year. Sigh.... I need to win the lottery or find wealthy equestrian sponsors. 

I can feel it... I am going to be grouchy for the next two weeks knowing my family is at the biggest equestrian event of the year and I am stuck in Georgia. Lord, I am whiny... sorry ya'll. Don't give up on me! 


Side note... We are moving this month and I may need a few guest posts, so if you are interested please email me!