Friday, November 9, 2012

Write this down... make a little note

Linking up with Something Charming. Today you get to see my handwriting. Isn't it weird? I write for ya'll everyday and you have never actually seen my writing. Here it is.


Nicole Gilbert said...

Hey Mallory!!! I nominated you for the Liebster Award!! Go to my blog and check it out!!
- Nicole

Amy Powell said...

your handwriting is really cute :) hope you had a good weekend!

xoxo, Amy

I'm hosting my 1000th post party, love for you to come!

Melissa {} said...

I love that we get to see you "write" and not just..."write"? Haha. I think this is a cool concept for readers to get to know bloggers better. I should definitely try that. I've instagrammed my writing before, but not for a post. that is cool!
