Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mama! 

Dear Mama, 
 I am so blessed to have your guidance. From you I have learned to stand up for what I believe in, to hit my knees when things get hard, to love with all I've got and to remember where I came from. 

I know that you are where I got my love and compassion for animals and I appreciate it. It's made my life so much more rewarding. 

I know that you are where we get our riding talent from. You are the reason we feel freedom on horseback. You have supported us and hauled us to lessons and shows and sacrificed for us to get where we have made it. 

You've taught us how to be graceful ladies and if I can be half the woman you are and teach my kids half of what you've taught me I have done something.

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