It is feeling like fall here in Georgia. Gorgeous 70 degree weather, brisk air, leaves falling. It is my favorite time of the year. This is the time of the year hubs decided he had fallen for me. 9 years ago next Wednesday! We were babies. I was a baby hoe, but whatevs.
This vacation is much needed. We are visiting the family farm, which my parents put on the market. If you have read this blog for any amount of time you know its the house that built me. If your new, you can read about the magical place in the archives. My heart hurts. I pray no one wants it but just in case this is a good bye trip.
We had plans on also visiting some parks in the area but the goverment put a stop to that with their little shut down game. Whatever that means more time in the saddle for me. I will ride instead of staring at battle fields.
I might actually have time to blog! Who knows,
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