Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Best Vacation

Today's Blogtober topic is your best or worse vacation.
I have been pretty lucky.  Most of my vacations have been pretty amazing. Most of them take place at the beach or Lake Burton.

The only "bad" one would be the time we were all at Lake Burton and we all ended up with the  stomach virus. Some were hospitalized from severe dehydration. Luckily, I didnt get my round until the last day and I stayed decently hydrated the trip home was hell though. Winding roads and severe nausea do not go well. 

One vacation I really enjoyed was our trip to Virginia. The resort was amazing. We went sailing, played on the beach, attended a mock trial or two, and played in the ocean. We explored battlefields, strolled through the town, and ate a one of George Washington's old hangouts. It was amazing. The weather was perfect, the people were friendly and we had a blast. Now photo dump.


Diana @ wonderfully made. said...

Your trip looks so fun! I'd love to visit Virginia, I've heard great things! Love all of your pictures!!! :)

Unknown said...

Oh looks like we have posted a very similar picture today ;) I love that you went sailing - i've never done that (and probably wont, coz i get sea sick easily) BUT in my head it always sound so romantic: Just you & the sea...:)
Luchessa @ http://luchessa.org/

Ashley @ ladyacray.blogspot.com said...

I adore the culture on the East Coast. I visited Virginia once during Thanksgiving which was a WONDERFUL trip.

And can I tell you that you succeeded in finding an adorable bloggy name? I saw the title and instantly had to check it out :-) New follower!