Thursday, October 23, 2014

My favorite blog/Instagram editing tools

Okay, so this is the one where I prove that I am a terrible blogger. I really don't use any apps or editing tools. That is right. I am boring.

All of my pictures just go straight through Instagram. No fancy filter apps here. I just use the plain Jane Instagram apps.

Occasionally for the blog I will use Canva or PicMonkey but that is as crazy as I get. I am a horrible blogger. For real.

What are your favorite apps and editing tools? What should I be using?

Helene in Between Blogtober


Anonymous said...

I use PicMonkey and Canva too, but find that Canva can get a little complicated and time-consuming. PicMonkey has my heart!

Angie@Chasingmyhalo said...

Well you are sticking with Blogtober so I think that gets you "a good blogger" status :).I love your name too.