Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little things that made my Tuesday

1) It was a cozy, rainy day at work. I love rainy days. I love the thunder, the grayness, the lamps lit inside.
2) We had soup because it was rainy, which made it that much better. Potato soup days are the best days, but I always need a nap afterwards.
3) My hubby had a day off to relax. He totally deserves it. As I have mentioned before he works insane hours, so a day off is a big deal.
4) Graceful- disaster sent a blog award my way for my other blog. Yay!
5) My dog greeted my at the door like I had been gone for months... Ok so he does this every day, but it makes me smile just the same. Seriously, rescue a fur baby. They make you feel like a million bucks.
Isn't he adorable?
6) My sissy posted some amazing photos from the Baptism this weekend. She is 15 and talented. Check out her work here.

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