We took vows. For better or for worse. With the stress of this month we have hit the worst. We have been bickering over nonsense, we are both on the defense, we can't speak without arguing and it is killing me. I feel empty and lonely. I know it will pass, it always does. We fight, we make up. That's how it goes, right?
I am just so sick of the way it's going. I hate arguing. I want to feel like I did on this day.
I think it could be because we have worked 8 days straight and moved the week before that. Maybe some R & R at mama's new place this weekend will relax us, because at this point I don't even want to talk to him. Today I said something about a light and he thought I said "fight" and got all defensive. I honestly think he is slightly depressed. I pray this ends soon.
Sorry this post was heavy.
Shoot...I think you are awesome for being real! Most people would try to make light of the situation but you are brave enough to put it all out there! Good for you! Sometimes writing about stuff that bothers me makes me feel better...you will work through it and be a better couple because of it. Hang in there girly :)
I am so sorry you're going through a rough patch, Mallory! I hope you get some R&R this weekend, and some time to make things right again. I know how draining it can be when your relationship hits that point. I'm praying for y'all!
I'm sorry you're struggling at the moment. I hope your situation improves soon. :)
Dropping by from the blog hop. :)
Thanks for the post. I feel that everyone goes through this. You just want to say sorry and get on with life but you know that sorry is not going to fix how you both feel. I hate that.
That's really hard--just keep holding on and try to remember, in spite of the stress and the busyness that you actually do want to be together...hopefully this season passes soon!
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