Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's okay Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

It's been on of those days... But it's okay. 

... that at one point today I felt the anxiety and OCD take over. I told everyone to leave me alone for 5 minutes and organized my space. Then I popped a Valerian root pill. 

... That I filled a drawer full of "I'll do it laters..."

... that I was so excited I shrieked to see the company not only on the local news but TMZ as well. 
I should really be used to the media by now, but I am not. Even after 25 years. Lame I know.

... that I have put off cleaning all week. I plan on catching up this weekend. 

... that I am so excited that my bestie is home from Washington and we are planning her wedding. I am more excited about planning her's than mine. No pressure with her wedding. lol kidding Emma. Kinda... 

... that every time I hold baby K someone asks if I plan on having one soon. This doesn't mean we have to jump on the band wagon. I have time right?

... that I feel the winter depression setting in. I will not go on a prescription again. I have my husband and my family and my friends and you guys. I will be fine. 

.... that I am obsessed with my new cornbread and honey candle by 1803 Candles . Is there anything more southern than cornbread and honey? 

... that I am so ready for Friday. It doesn't mean I love my crew any less. I have 2 families. 


Unknown said...

Hi mallory! It's nice to meet you!
I'm a new follower from the find & follow friday hop! :)

Victoria said...

those candles sound great!

what a cute blog you have :)

Kate @ BROhaha said...

mmm, now you've got me craving cornbread lol! new follower :)

Unknown said...

hang in there you. the sunlight doesn't disappear and the cold doesn't set in quite as bad and I still feel those winter blues setting in even in Hawaii.

Aloha Sweet Friend,
We are gathering for An Aloha Affair , a sweet sort of mingling and sharing and growing together. I would so love it if you'd join us. You will always be welcome, anytime. Save ya a seat?...
