Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lesson in Love

Hello lovelies. Here lately I have been trying to be more centered. Centered in life, love and spirituality. I feel more connected to myself, my husband, my riding and God and it is amazing. Part of this centering is eating healthy, yoga and my daily devotional.

Today's I opened my app and this is what I read:

 "My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God , namely, Christ.
- Colossians 2:2

The app went on to talk about seeking community and love, but my mind wandered to my marriage and how united we have been lately. You may remember how I have talked about the fact that our marriage isn't all peaches and cream , but lately I have been really trying and I think we are the strongest we have ever been. It all falls back to seeking love and being life giving.

Life giving? What is that? Read on...

My husband's church required us to go to pre-marriage counseling and the main thing I took away from it is to be life-giving daily. What does it mean to be life-giving? It means doing the small, self-sacrificing things for one another and not only doing those things but at the end of the day thanking one another for doing those things. God sacrificed for us and showed us the ultimate love and by sacrificing, even a little, we show a glimmer of that love.

Some examples...
-When I stop on the way to work and get him a limeade from Sonic just because I know he loves them and it will make his day.

-When he does the dishes so I can get in 5 more minutes of blogging.

-When I send him an encouraging text through a rough day.

-When he cleans my horse's stall so I can soak in the tub.

All of those are life-giving moments. It breathes life into the relationship. It gives the other person a boost in life. It shows love. We thank one another for these moments because we know they are not necessary. I encourage you to do something life-giving for someone you care for. And remember, if someone does something life-giving for you, thank them for showing you love.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Photo Dump

So I have never really done a photo dump and I am so excited to show you me, 17 pounds down! Oh, and look at my new Firmoo glasses!

Now for the rest of the pictures from here lately.

Oscars night. While you guys were all getting ready to watch the Oscars I was in Atlanta hauling this Lotus to an Oscar Party. This car was in a James Bond movie and has all sorts of memorabilia with it. And all of the guest at the party dressed as if they were attending the Oscars. The bling and dresses were amazing!

My cousin got a boxer puppy for me I mean Ms. Baby and I fell in love. Seriously, look at that face. Can you believe I get to snuggle with that at work?

Ms. Baby loves to snuggle with him too, when I am not stealing him from her. You know how they say "It's like takin' candy from a baby?" umm... more like taking a puppy from a baby. Kidding, I only take him when she is napping or busy with her bottle. 

She says "hello, meet my puppy Diesel."

And finally... this is what happens when puppy has played all day and finds a quiet minute away from his fans.

Now. I am off to do the same. Sleep. Maybe in a more modest position though. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

I stumbled across this link up at Running in Stilettos and thought it was adorable. So I am giving it a go! 

... loves horses, like a little girl loves ponies. My horses are my passion.  

... treats her dogs like  her children. Proof.

... dances to bluegrass in the kitchen while cooking when I am alone. 

... is trying to get addicted to healthy eating and working out. Wish me luck. 

... can't say "no" to a glass of sweet tea. 

... says "Bless your heart", "ya'll" "my oh my" and "well, I'll be..." way to much

... wears yoga pants 90% of the time. 

... loves to cook. I put everything I got into every meal. It's my outlet. 

... loves cars. Old cars. Fast cars. I just love them. 

... loves lace. I have to have lace curtains in my home somewhere at all times. And I love lace clothes and scarves and... you get it. 

... does a happy dance when the first daffodil sprouts. 

... counts down the days until spring. Actually, my friend Rachel keeps up the countdown for me. My southern blood cannot handle temperatures below 70 degrees. 

... dances and plays in summer rain. 

... feels at home in my little white, one room church 

... would rather snuggle with her family and watch movies and talk over pie, then be out with friends. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My dogs ARE my kids!


So people are always asking when I plan to have kids. I mean, I have been married almost 2 years where are the little ones? 

I have little ones. I have a 7 year old (I cannot believe she is 7) and a 3 year old. 
Meet Lacey and Riley. 
Cutest faces ever. 

Here is a list of reasons why I am convinced they are just like having kids... 

1) They bicker like children. Riley is always taking any toy that he thinks Lacey might be interested in. Lacey constantly tattles. The next minute she is stealing his bed and he is pacing and grumbling. Just like human siblings. 

2) Riley has severe allergies. I am constantly reading labels, handing out allergy meds, applying ointment and snuggling with a puppy that doesn't feel 100% on his bad days. It's just like caring for a human child. 

3) Riley is a late sleeper like me, he loves veggies like me, and he is a people person dog just like me. Lacey is an early riser, she is super smart, and she is a loner just like Chris. Just like kids, they take after their parents. 

4) When we go to the weekend house okay, anywhere I have to be sure to pack water, the correct food/treats for Riley, his meds, toys, potty bags, extra leashes and a blanket for Lacey. It's just like packing a diaper bag.

And finally... 
5) I love them unconditionally. I look forward to getting home and snuggling with them. I don't know what I would do without them. Kinda like kids. 

Am I the only one obsessed with my monsters? Please tell me there is someone else as obsessed with their dogs.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cheesecake (the healthy way)

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Hey ya'll! Dieting sucks.  I went to an awards banquets for riding this weekend and there was a bar dedicated to just desserts. I would be lying if I said I showed any kind of self control. 

I was all "Red velvet? I don't need red velvet? Oh crap, they've got cheesecake." I ate half a slice of cheesecake and I was so mad at my self for giving in!  

So, over the weekend I figured out a way to make fake cheesecake. It is amazing.

Let me know if you try it! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Letters


I am linking up with the gorgeous Ashley at The Sweet Season for Friday Letters. Go say hello to her and congratulate her on her new baby bump!

Dear Valentine's Day, You kinda rocked this year. 5 years ago on Valentine's day Chris proposed. I still need to tell that story. Maybe next week. This year he wrote me a letter about how that one moment changed our lives forever.

Then we get to this morning... 

Dear Hubs, Yep, it's Friday. Wanna know how I know? Every other weekend you have the weekend off. Every other Friday you pick a fight. Why? Do you realize we get 4 days a month together? Why do you try to make them miserable?

Yeah we aren't the perfect couple. 

Dear Barn, I will be seeing lots of you Saturday (see above). I little pony time will be good for me. Plus, this Saturday is the awards banquet. I am excited to get my drink on see all of my horse friends from other barns. 

Dad and I at banquet a few years ago.

Dear you,  If you are new here, welcome! I hope you have a great weekend and I will see you Monday!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Link-up

Here are the instructions:
  1. Fill out the Valentines Day Questions. You can find them here.
  2. Hand over the same set of questions to your spouse and see if they can answer the questions about you. 
  3. Write your post and compare both of your answers
  4. Link up your blog post below!
Want to see how my husband and I did? Read our answers below. 

How long have you been married?
Mallory: 2 years in May 
Chris: I don't know... a year and some change... um... a year in 8 months. 

Where was your first date?
Mallory: We went to a horse event (go figure), dinner and the park. It was a busy night!
Chris: Fajitas, the horse thing and the barn. ( he forgot Wills Park) 

Where was your first kiss?
Mallory: Wills Park - Alpharetta the night of that first date. 
Chris: The barn. (Wrong. How does he forget that? He recreated it the following year!)

Who first said, "I love you"?
Mallory: He did! 
Chris: Me. 

What were your wedding colors?
Mallory: Light yellow and white with hints  of light green
Chris: Yellow and green

What is her most commonly used phrase?
Mallory: I over use whatevs but other than that I don't have a catch phrase. 
Chris: hmm... not a phrase really but she talks about Soul the horse constantly. I think "Soul is perfect is her most used phrase. I think if he was a person, with a job, she would leave me for him. 

Who is her celebrity crush?
Mallory: Luke Bryan or Tanner Foust. 
Chris: Tanner Foust. 

If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?
Mallory: A hurricane for me. He doesn't drink so a sweet tea for him. 
Chris: Sweet tea. 

What is the best meal she has ever cooked you?
Mallory: He loves my chicken alfredo. 
Chris: Homemade chicken alfredo with garlic bread

What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
Mallory: Pasta with vodka sauce. That was a flop. 
Chris: Stuffed grape leaves. (I forgot about those!!! I have to agree with him. The whole house smelt like it.)

What is the most-played song on her iPod?
Mallory: The Airstream Trailer song
Chris: That Airstream song. 

What would she say is your most annoying habit?
Mallory: His snoring or the fact that he researches everything for hours. 
Chris: Snoring. 

What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed?
Mallory: I can't sleep without snuggling with Riley dog.
Chris: Reads a book and snuggles with her dog. 

If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be?
Mallory: I have no idea. He hates flip-flops so maybe those. 
Chris: Flip-flops!!! 

What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
Mallory: He loves my love for animals. He says it means I have a heart of gold. Oh and my boobs.  
Chris: No matter how stupid my ideas are or how mean I am or how angry I get she still loves me. 

What's her go-to drink at Starbucks?
Mallory: Mocha Frappucino or caramel macchiato
Chris: Mocha frapp

What's her blog's name?!
Mallory: He better get this. 
Chris: The Grace of Southern Charm. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pogo Sticks and hot wine

Hello. This is me right now. 

Okay. Okay. I am not at the country club right now. I am on my couch. 
That was me at my best friend's wedding last year. 
When I could drink. Because my nutritional coach didn't spout random shit about how wine=calories. 
Why was I sad then? Because I spent too much time dancing and my wine got warm. 

See lot's of dancing?

Note to self: You should have just enjoyed that warm wine, because now you are wine deprived. 
I do have plenty of whine though. See what happened there? Yeah I am lame. 

That was not the point of this post I am just way off track. 

Okay... see this face. 
Riley S. Dog

Yeah he looks cute, but he has issues. Actually both of my dogs have issues. 
The other day it was gorgeous out and I had stuff to do in the barn. I didn't trust them, because Lacey runs under the fence all the time. She just uses me for food. She could care less about hanging around. 

So I put them on tie outs near the barn. This is where it gets fun. The second they are tied they turn into maniacs. Even if they can still touch me. They seriously lose their heads. 

Lacey ties herself as tight as she can around anything. She will find a blade of grass and wrap her lead around it. EVERY TIME. Then she sits there and pants and paces until I unravel her rope,so she can quickly tie herself to something else. It's cute. 

Riley grows Pogo sticks in the bottom of his feet and jumps as high as he can. Then he jumps at me. He never jumps on people unless he is tied. Then he forgets manners.  It's like he goes into primal mode and forgets that he lives inside and sleeps on my bed and he is not actually a yard dog. Then he gets bored and eats grass until he vomits. It's attractive. That's why all the lady dogs are after him. Most def. 

I am going to go snuggle with the weirdos. Have a great day ya'll!