Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Ring

Today I am linking up with Today was a Fairytale and Something about you and me for "Wife to Wife".

This months topic... the ring.

Chris and I had browsed rings several times but nothing serious. It was just a fun thing to do at antique stores and when we were bored at the mall. We were young and broke though so I never thought anything of it.

One day he took me to the jewelry store that his dad buys everything for his stepmom at. I didn't really think anything of it. We were looking at small rings that were closer to our price range and then the jeweler pulled out a just for fun ring. He said since I mentioned I loved vintage rings he had a vintage style cut. 

It was over a carat, asscher cut and a solitaire. Amazing.  It was also more than 5 times our budget. Of course I loved it but I tried to hide it because I never thought it was an option. A year later Chris slipped it on my finger. He paid on it a year to get what I wanted. I was shocked. He said that while I never said I wanted the ring, he could see it in my eyes when the jeweler let me try it on. I swear, the hubs is so spot on all the time, it's awesome. Eventually I got a wrap to cover the bad so it wouldn't get scratched. 

This is what the set looks like.... 


Jackie said...

It's beautiful! :)

Julia Z said...

beautiful ring!

Casey Aslan said...

Swoon! I have an asscher too! I am in love with them! Extremely feminine, vintage yet classy

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! Thanks so much for linking up. Hope to see you again next month.

Stephanie @ Life, Unexpectedly said...

What a lovely ring! And it's extra-special that your hubby has saved up for it for such a long time!

Sarah said...


Three more days left in the May giveaway; A new blog design! Our Journey