Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Viva La Dog Spa!

Recently,  I had the great opportunity to try out Viva La Dog Spa's Rescue Me! Deep Conditioner. I watched the mailbox and the second it came in I rushed Riley and Lacey to the basement dog shower!

Riley was seriously in need of some rescuing. He has always had horrible allergies which led to bad skin and brittle hair, so he went first. I opened the tube and wow, it smelled fantastic. I definitely didn't get the normal chemical smell from most dog shampoo and conditioners. There may or may not have been a moment of " hmmm....  maybe this should be mommy's conditioner." Kidding. Maybe. I probably will buy some for myself.

Anyways, I put some on him and started rubbing it in and I instantly felt his coat getting softer. I kept scrubbing and when I rinsed it out his black coat looked blacker and softer. I was amazed. I dried him off and the change was really noticeable. He had a shiny coat, a soft coat and he smelled great!

I grabbed Lacey and put her in the shower too! She is the stinkiest of the 2 so I knew if it made her smell better we had something. After her bath her normal doggy smell was gone.

Throughout the day I notcied that they were both scratching less than normal. Another perk, my hands were baby soft! Win-win.

**I was not financially compensated for the post. I received samples of the product for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

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