Sunday, July 29, 2012

"D" is for Dive in...

The letter D was starting to be a problem. It was an odd one for me. I had no clue what I was going to write about until today. Weirdly enough, I was watching the Olympics and diving came on and that was my inspiration. I am chicken when it comes to high dive, because I am terrified of heights. But in life I am diving in, unafraid. Seriously, here lately I am rocking it. I know, I know... brag much?

I am diving into this whole wife thing. Yes, we have been married a whole year, but I feel like I have hit my stride in the past month or so. Household accountant- check. Maid- check. Chef- check. Dog trainer- check. Barn manager- check. Lover- Check. Yeah, I got this. 

I am diving into the whole blogging thing. Seriously, I am addicted to blogging. This is my outlet. This is now becoming a huge part of me. It's cheaper than therapy. 

I am diving into the whole author thing. I have attempted this before. Last time I got through the character development and just lost interest in the story. Maybe, it was bad timing. I was switching jobs, getting married and moving. This time I am confident a book will be born. We shall see. 

I am diving into the whole social scene. I used to be so social. Then I got married, got a job, lost touch. This month I have said "I need me time!" Hubs works Thursday nights, so I have no one to cook for, no one to clean for. ( No, he doesn't ask me to do these things, but I want to be there for him.) Thursday nights is officially ladies' night. I have enjoyed connecting with the girls. Some old friends and some new. They put a smile on my face. 

I am diving into the whole workout thing. My body is like, "It's about time!" I used to be so active, then I got injured and lost all motivation. This week I have been hitting the workout videos pretty hard. Today Pilates kicked my butt. In the end, healthy will be worth it. 

I am diving into this whole challenge thing. Thank you Kate. I have learned so much from this challenge already, and we are only on week 4! I am loving it. It is so inspiring and I love reading the other ladies' posts. I can't wait to see everyone's "E" post. 


Giggles said...

Good job!! said...

Great job - diving in is the only way to really see what is in the water.

Anonymous said...

Good post, like you I'm diving back into blogging.

Delightfully Chaotic