Saturday, November 23, 2013

I bought the truck and I am still married!

So two days ago we were arguing because my dear husband couldn't help me make a decision about the truck. Today, I went to the credit union and signed the papers and bought it! I decided our regular bank could take a hike. This girl knows what she needs.

 Guess who is singing my praises. That's right, the Mister. Apparently, he didn't want to make the call but is VERY happy with my choice. Win. I also may have had a melt down about not having any support. He agrees to help more. We shall see.

Any who, the truck has already performed a horse task and made a trip to the feed store for shavings and grain. I felt like a real horse person again. Bonus points the back is huge and the puppies love it!

 photo newsig-2_zps2cb0e937.jpg

1 comment :

Becky M said...

The pups taking a ride are so cute!