Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I took a leap

Think about that for a minute.
You miss 100%... if life were a test you would get a big fat zero. As in FAILING.
Life is about taking chances. Sticking your neck out there. Stepping into the unknown.

In May of 2013 I took a shot at something different.  I joined a company called It Works! I was so excited to take a leap that could change my life. I worked hard at it but hesitantly. I was proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and joining but I was still holding myself back.

Then July rolled around. I challenged myself to step it up. I told myself I would work this with all I had and see if I could buy my husband a truck by the time his birthday rolled around. You guys can read about how we accomplished that here! That really set a fire. I could do this! This was life changing! I took a shot and joined It Works and the opportunities it was giving me were amazing.

This year at conference they announced G.O.O.D (Get Out of Debt) bonuses were back! (This amazing company teaches us to strive to be debt free. They honestly care about us.) I was ecstatic! My goal is to get there! Can you imagine an extra $10,000? That is the bonus for reaching Diamond status.

So that is my goal! If you or anyone you know is interested in that crazy wrap thing or the products, check out my website at www.newyouwithmallory.myitworks.com !

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