Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We have a name!

We found out our little baby H is a girl! We were both a little shocked, because honestly this whole time we just felt like we were having a boy. Plus, all the old wives tales said boy and you know old wives tales are never wrong.

We are super excited to hold Ms. Ava Grace in December. Shopping for her is a blast. Little girl stuff is adorable but my problem is I just want to bring it all home!

The second trimester is starting to be kind. Thank God. Here are the usual updates:

Food - I can eat pretty much everything and man, has my appetite grown. I still get sick occasionally but nothing compared to what it was. I am loving lemonade right now. That is my go to drink. Food wise, it all sounds pretty good!

Changes I've noticed- My belly has popped a little more and I am feeling much more movement. She is super active. The tech said she was busy. Haha! Sleep is impossible. I am calling it practice for when she gets here.

The baby- Like I said, she is super active. She got mad at the tech for poking her and starting stomping her little feet. It was adorable but we are in trouble. She seems to have mama's sassy side. When Chris talks to Ava she kicks and squirms. I think she is going to be a daddy's girl.

Daddy- Chris is over the moon and it is adorable. He is so cute picking out little outfits and planning her nursery with me. He talks to her every night and is so proud to tell everyone about his little girl. He is already planning daddy/daughter trips and activities.

Seriously, it melts my heart.

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