Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The ladies!

So here I am to introduce 2 more of my lovely sponsors. I have grown to adore my sponsors. They make me laugh, teach me new stuff and are genuinely entertaining. So here are the ladies of the week! 

lala Lists
First up Rachel at LaLa Lists

She is such a social butterfly. She always has something going on! Different swaps and link ups. I love taking a minute from work to see what is going on in her world. I love her fashion ideas. Like her loving lately posts. Those outfits are amazing. She needs to redo my closet. She is also hilarious. Her opinions linky was my favorite linky ever. I could find about 564635 more posts that I loved. Okay so she hasn't even posted that many times, but if she had..... Now go over to her blog space and check her out. Tell her I sent you.

Another great sponsor this month? Megan at Shaping up to be mom. Her family is adorable. She sells cute clothes at Cents of Style. Her Nitty Gritty of Blogging tips are really helpful. She tells it like it is here. Okay, that post was perfect for me. I thought that I would be a bad mom because I didn't love kids, but she is an awesome mom. Maybe I can do it. She is also really talented. So check her out! ASAP! 

See why I love my sponsors? 

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